Everyday Earth Day

Sustainable Living is a process. As earth day came and went, it is a good reminder to reflect on habits we can revisit and revise.

Taking the stairs

As my dogs aged and stairs became more difficult for them, I fell out of this habit. In the last few weeks, I am actively taking the stairs over the elevator more often. This means carrying these old dogs but the extra 23 lbs. (10kg) helps build strength. Right? :)

Planting herbs & veggies

This was a habit I fell out of as I got busy in the fall, and the winter weather set in. But I am starting seedling this weekend. Having fresh herbs at hand makes me so happy when I am cooking and I really like the option of cutting back on plastic food packaging.

Composting food waste

Like the stairs and gardening, I fell out of the habit when the dogs were not walking as far but needed to go out more often, and when I was just feeling too busy to run the compost out. A few days ago I renewed the habit of separating my food waste and carrying it out to the large compost.

Replacing Expired Plastic

It is not helpful to dump plastic items that are still useful but as things like my toothbrush expire, I am upgrading to biodegradable ones. I have this great travel one and I found an electric toothbrush with bamboo replaceable heads. I cannot wait to try it out when it arrives.